I see you struggling but the world would never know. Your strength was always your armor and your composure is your superpower. But when you are ready, I will listen to you, cry with you and scream with you. I love you and will always be here for you.
It is okay to hide your pain from others, as long as you are taking care of you. Remember the tears are therapeutic and the emotions need to be felt. All the emotions. Know I love you and I will always be here for you.
I do not feel sorry for you nor do I pity you. I am sad for you like I would be sad for me. I hope you know I am flooding you with prayers every day, simply asking for you to find peace and comfort. Just know I love you and I will always be here for you.
I wish I knew how YOU wanted me to be there for you. That is what I wonder about the most. Do I call? But what if you do not feel like talking… If I do not call, will you think I do not care? Do I stop by your house? Maybe you would prefer to be alone … Just know I love you and I will always be here for you.
Listen, sweet friend. It is okay to miss the celebrations, but I will always send the invite. Do not worry about the dinners but I will always make sure you know what time we are meeting. Do not apologize for feeling how you feel and doing what you need for you. Just know I love you and I will always be here for you.
I promise to be one constant during your storm, the distraction when you cannot think any longer and your laughter when your soul is aching for it. Remember, I love you and I will always be here for you.
Oh friend...
My heart is so heavy, and the pain is unreal some days. I did not know I could feel this deeply. Most days I pray it has all been a dream but then I wake to what has become my nightmare. I do not know what to say most of the time, how to act or how to have people help me. Thank you for being there for me the way you do and I love you too.
I find I am stronger during the day but I fall apart at night. I am trying to take moments to allow the tears to fall and other moments to create distractions and allow my heart to have a break. Thank you for being there for me the way you do and I love you too.
It is hard to talk without crying…speaking the words out loud makes it all feel so real. Maybe that is just want is needed but I am not sure I want to be ready for it. Thank you for being there for me the way you do and I love you too.
Well, today is a better day. Better is not good but I suppose it is progress. The pain is not any less painful, but the tears tend to fall less often. I miss the strength I once admired about myself. I talked about the happy memories this morning and I found myself smiling. I realized that I love hard and, therefore, I hurt hard. Thank you for being there for me the way you do and I love you too.
I see you, friend. I see the calls, the food, the invites. I hope you know how much it all means and has meant. You have been the sunlight when all I could see was the dark and the glue when my world was broken into pieces. Thank you for patience and supporting me the way you do… and I love you too.
